
Certification Exam - No Shows & Cancellations Policy

To cancel or reschedule your exam, sign in to HUDHousingCounselors.com and select Access Exam Details in the Countdown to your Exam! section of your User Profile Dashboard

Follow the steps to reschedule or cancel your scheduled exam (canceled exams will be refunded to the credit card used), then follow the steps to schedule a new exam.

Certification Exam - Limited English Proficiency

Limitadong kasanayan sa ingles    |   제한된 영어 능력     |   Trình độ tiếng anh hạn chế  

Maîtrise limitée de l'anglais            |   英语水平有限       |   Konpetans angle limite 

The HUD Housing Counselor Certification Exam is available in English and Spanish. Candidates with limited English proficiency and limited Spanish proficiency may request additional exam time.